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Human Knot |

See the Teaming Section for more instructions, hints, tips, and ideas.
This is a great game to keep on hand because it doesn't require any equipment.
The object is to untangle the knot into a circle by rotating, stepping over, under, or through.
General Rules
- Everyone forms a tight circle.
- Extend your hands into the middle of the circle.
- Cross your hands.
- Hold the hands of two other people in the circle who are not next to you.
- Untangle the knot. You can turn, twist, step over others, or go under others, but don't let your hands separate.
You may find that you have actually formed two or more knots/circles. The circles may also be interlocked like a chain.
Reflective Questions
- How did the team start out to solve the problem?
- Who took a leadership role?
- Did leadership change from one person to another?
- Try it without anyone talking
- Let someone who is not participating in the knot give directions

Copyright © 2008 Vincent Hale