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Previous Page String Art Circle Next Page

String Art Circle

Materials Tools
1/4 x3x3 inch wood
5/8 inch nails
colored thread
PVC ring
Hot Glue
Paint brush
Drop cloth

See the String Chapter for more instructions, hints, tips, and ideas.

  1. Cut out the piece of wood, sand the edges smooth.
  2. tape the pattern to the piece of wood
  3. put a nail at every point indicated by the pattern
  4. remove pattern
  5. straighten nails with pliers
  6. paint (I prefer white because it makes most colors stand out. Use whatever will look good. Let paint dry thoroughly.)
  7. tie thread on first nail
  8. follow pattern to complete design
  9. tie thread on last nail
  10. place a small drop of glue on knots to hold them tight
  11. cut off excess thread
  12. hot glue PVC ring on back

With the Circle pattern, several layers can be used in different colors to make an attractive design.

Make sure that the thread is always kept tight. Looping the thread completely around each nail will help to keep tension in the thread.

Start by tying (use a square knot) the thread to one of the nails (labeled 1). Put a drop of glue on the knot, let it dry and trim off excess thread. Next run the thread to nail 15, the thread should make one complete loop around the nail. Then the thread runs back to nail 2, loops around, then to 16, 3, 17, ... As the pattern develops, the leading nail will go from 15, 16, ... until it gets all the way around the circle so that nail 1 is the leading nail. Continue until the leading nail is 14. Then loop the thread around nail 1 and tie it to itself using a square knot. Put a drop of glue on the knot, let it dry and trim off excess thread.

To make different layers, you will notice that by running the thread from nail 1 to nail 15, the thread goes very near the center of the circle. This would be used for the lowest layer -- the first layer that you do. Then you might choose to go from 1 to 12 for the middle layer. Finally, by choosing to go from nail 1 to 8, the thread stays very near the perimeter of the circle. This could be used for the top layer -- the last layer you do.

Copyright © 2001 Vincent Hale