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Weight Lifter    Weight Lifter

Materials Tools
2 popsicle craft sticks
1 1/2 inch dowel, 1/8 inch thick
2 Pony beads
2 3/4 inch washers
1 1/16 inch dowel, 3 inches long
2 1/4 inch dowel, 1/8 inch thick
1 string, 18 inches long
1 PVC ring
1 wire 10 inches long
2 Cloth hinges 1/4 inch by 1 inch
E-6000™ Glue
Hot glue

See the Moving Chapter for more instructions, hints, tips, and ideas.

  1. Cut craft sticks at angle so that when glued together the cut is parallel to the ground. See illustration below.
  2. Glue craft sticks together at angle shown using Aleene's Tacky Glue™.
  3. Glue hinges to craft sticks, front of long stick, and back of short piece using Aleene's Tacky Glue™.
  4. Drill 1/16 inch hole in 1/4 inch dowels, glue onto ends of 1/16 inch dowel using Aleene's Tacky Glue™.
  5. Glue washers onto 1/4 inch dowels using hot glue or E-6000™.
  6. Glue head onto longer craft sticks using E-6000™.
  7. Glue bead on top of head using E-6000™.
  8. Cut out shirt and pants (see patterns) and glue to craft sticks using hot glue.
  9. Glue bar onto arms using Aleene's Tacky Glue™.
  10. Glue ring to back of craft sticks using E-6000™.
  11. Attach wire onto ring and twist into a figure eight pattern.
  12. Tie string to bar, run it through bead, and tie second bead to other end of string. Put a drop of Aleene's Tacky Glue™ on the knots to lock them tight.
  13. Draw face.
Weightligter illustration

Back of Weightlifter

Hot glue can be used for all of the assembly if speed is important. However, a much more sturdy weightlifter can be made by using the glues indicated in the directions.

Copyright © 2001 Vincent Hale