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Stacked Candles |

Materials |
Tools |
Wick |
Cookie Cutter
Ice Pick
Aluminum Pan
Aluminum Foil
Mold Release |
See the Candles Chapter for more instructions, hints, tips, and ideas.
Melt the wax according to the instructions on molded candles.
- Choose a cookie cutter the size and shape that you want.
- Line an aluminum pan with aluminum foil and coat with a mold release.
- Pour wax into the foil in the pan. The wax can be 1/4" to about 1/2" deep. It must not be deeper than the cookie cutter.
- When the wax has set, but not hardened, take the cookie cutter and carefully cut out as many shapes as needed. The wax should not puff up in the middle or it is too hot. If it does, wait and let it cool a few minutes then try again.
- Let the wax harden.
- Remove the shapes from the pan.
- Take two shapes and hold them on a hot pan for a few seconds until the wax begins to melt. Then press them together and hold until the wax hardens.
- Repeat with remaining shapes.
- When all the shapes have been stacked, then add the wick. Take an nail or ice pick and melt a hole from the top of the candle to the bottom. The hole needs to be large enough so that the wick will slide in easily. You may have to re-heat the nail several times.
- Pour some wax into the hole. Use the same color as the top of the candle.
- Push a primed wick into the hole and let stand until it has set.
- (Optional step) Prepare a container of clear wax deep enough and wide enough that the whole stacked candle can be dipped entirely into it. Remember that the candle will displace a volume of wax equal to itself. Hold the candle by the wick using a pair of pliers and then dip the whole candle into the container of clear wax. Immediately dip the candle into cold water. This will bond the layers together more firmly, strengthen the candle, and smooth out any rough edges.
- Trim the top of the wick to 1/2".
If you have trouble getting the layers to stick together, try making the holes first, push the wick through the whole stack. Then bend the wick that sticks out of the bottom of the candle to make it into a hook. You may have to use some hot wax to hold the bent wick in place. Align the layers and dip in hot wax as instructed above.
- Place the shapes not directly on top of each other but offset to create a spiral.
- Make different colored layers. Use two or more colors and alternate them.
- Use cookie cutters that are nested to make a candle that is small at the top and large at the bottom. You can use one or more of each size. That is three of the largest size, two of the next size, and one of the smallest size.

Copyright © 2004 Vincent Hale