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Carved Arrow

Materials Tools
Basswood 3 1/2" x 1" x 1/4"
PVC ring
Carving Knife
E-6000™ Glue

See the Wood Carving section for more instructions, hints and tips.

  1. Layout the arrow on the basswood. The grain should be in the direction of the arrow.
  2. Cut it out using a scroll or coping saw.
  3. Make stop cuts along the shaft of the arrow by the feathers.
  4. Take the feathers down about halfway.
  5. Make stop cuts along the shaft by the arrowhead. Note that the shaft should extend into the arrowhead but not all the way to the point.
  6. Take the arrowhead down about halfway. Be very careful as it will tend to break easily.
  7. Sharpen the edge of the arrowhead by bring the front and back sides to a point.
  8. Give the arrowhead some chips by making gouges with your knife. It's just a quick scoop like you are scooping ice cream.
  9. Round the shaft. First make a 45 degree cut, and then make a cut above and below that. Round it all the way to the center. Continue until it smoothes out to your satisfaction. You might want to round the back a little, too. That will give it more of a 3-D look.
  10. Make lines on the feathers. You can use your knife (use a stop cut and then an angled cut from each side) or a V tool.
  11. Glue on a PVC ring using E-6000™ glue.
  12. Apply finish to protect it.

Copyright © 2008 Vincent Hale