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Rocket |

Materials |
Tools |
3" tube of 1/2" PVC
1" diameter ball of clay
2" x 2" Craft Foam
PVC Ring
Permanent Markers
Hot Glue
The clay is used for the nose cone. You could make it out of a 1" x 5/8" piece of dowel rod.
Use red and gold tinsel for the flame coming from the rocket. These are available in craft stores.
- Shape the nose cone from either clay or wood and glue it into the PVC tube.
- Make the fins. Cut the square of foam in half making two rectangles. Cut the rectangles diagonally making four fins. (Note that you only need three fins - don't put a fin on the side that will be against your shirt.)
- Glue tinsel to make the flame. Trim to desired length.
- Glue on the fins.
- Glue the PVC ring to the back (the side where the fin is missing).
- Decorate the body of the rocket with the permanent marker.

Copyright © 2003 Vincent Hale